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They generally live in open grasslands and savannahs.

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14y ago

Giraffe range between Chad and South Africa and typically inhabit the savanna, grassland or open woodland unless food is scarce when they will venture into more thickly vegetated land.

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The African Savannah.

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what is a giraffe environment a like

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How does giraffes adapt to their environment?

Giraffes adapt to their environment by, their long necks can help them to reach the tops of trees to eat leaves and fruit, also they can see a far distance to look for predator's. Their spotted bodies make them camouflage in areas.

How does Africa benefit giraffes?

I believe that Africa benefits giraffes in several ways. Some would include nice open spaces, good supply of water, and a nice environment. If you keep the planet clean they can enjoy the environment for many generations to come.

Do humans affect giraffes?

Human in world impact giraffes by poaching for numerous reasons; food, money, pelts, by demolishing their environment and by building sugar farms etc in their habitat.The environment affects giraffes by not reproducing vegetation for them to feed on.The main reason for giraffes being endangered is; predators killing them off when they are drinking water.

Do giraffes and hippos live in the same environment?

No. Giraffes require farily sparsely scattered tall trees, and hippos require rivers. They do share some common ground, but just at the edges of their normal habitats.

How is giraffes adapted to its environment?

i think their necks grow & evolved eventually because of the lack of low trees and branches

Do giraffes have feeble ankles?

The giraffe has so many great qualities, some of which actually help them in their environment. The giraffe ankle joint has a double pulley system, giving giraffes terrific flexibility. No, they don't have feeble ankles.

How do giraffes get spots?

camofoge's it with the sun. (: have a blessed day and may god bless u forever.

What is the natural living environment of a girrafe?

The natural living environment of a giraffe is open grasslands, with access to clean water. Giraffes require open woodlands for fresh leaves and dry savannahs.

Do giraffes eat other giraffes?

no never eat other Giraffes.

Do giraffes have knees?

Yes, giraffes do have knees.

Why do Giraffe have spots?

for camofloge!giraffes have spots because when they were born the combined with another animal that had spots. so the genes spread to the giraffe. same for why they have long necks.actually giraffes have long necks because they have adapted to there environment and need to reach for higher vegetation