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Q: What event increased anti-British sentiment because British soldiers fired at a crowd over unarmed colonist?
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Who was in the Boston Tea Party?

It was the Colonist V.S. the British Soldiers. It was the Colonist V.S. the British Soldiers.

How did the antiwar sentiment affect soldiers?

Anti-war sentiment lowered the morale of the US servicemen.

Who fought in the Boston massacre?

no one fought in it. it was just soldiers with guns and colonist were throwing rocks and sticks at them.In the Boston massacre the English soldiers and the colonist "fought" in the battle.

Colonist were punished by having to British soldiers?

Blockade them!

What were the colonist doing to the british soldiers?

They answered to all of their commands

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What advantages did the colonist have over British?

food supplies and soldiers

Colonist were shot after taunting british soldiers?

It was during the Revolution

Why did the colonist object to the quartering act?

British soldiers would make the colonists give them food and shelter.

What were Paul revere and Samuel Adams were successful and portraying violence in Boston?

The event that became known as the Boston Massacre (1770) was portrayed as an attack by British soldiers on peaceful colonists. At trial, most of the soldiers were acquitted because they were seen as responding to a threatening mob. But the overall sentiment of American colonists was already turned against the British army.

Why did british soldiers open fire on colonist in the event known as the Boston?

Colonists had thrown rocks and snowballs at the soldiers.

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