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Genetic crossover occurs, which causes a sharing and transference of genetic information between maternal and paternal copies of chromosomes and further enhances the genetic variability of their offspring.

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Q: What event in meiosis leads to genetic variation in organisms?
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What is the important event during meiosis that results in genetic variation?


Which would most likely decrease the genetic variation in the human population?

If the human population was reduced to a very small number of interbreeding individual then this small population, denied outbreeding, would have very little genetic variation. Humans, who went through a bottleneck event about 70,000 years ago, are considered a " small " species because they have little genetic variation in comparison to many other species. Google cheetah to see how this concept works.

What event or events occur during meiosis to make each resulting gamete genetically non-identical?

Basically this event is called [genetic] Recombination. Other examples exist.

Which would likely decrease the genetic variation in the human population?

If the human population was reduced to a very small number of interbreeding individual then this small population, denied outbreeding, would have very little genetic variation. Humans, who went through a bottleneck event about 70,000 years ago, are considered a " small " species because they have little genetic variation in comparison to many other species. Google cheetah to see how this concept works.

What are the two types of genetic drift?

There are two types of genetic drift, there is a the population bottle neck effect and the founder effect. The population bottle neck effect is when a population greatly decreases in size due to some random ecological event and the small population has a greater chance of genetic variation. The founder effect is a variation of the bottle neck effect in which a small portion of a larger population to branch off or get "isolated" from the larger population and have a greater chance of genetic variation. Have fun and hope this helps.

What event increases genetic diversity during meiosis?

During meiosis 1, a process called crossing over occurs, wherein segments of genes are exchanged between homologous chromosomes. Homologous chromosomes line up or 'cross over' one another to form structures called chaismata. This structural orientation allows the exchange of genetic segments between chromosomes. The crossing over event is the cornerstone of genetic diversity.

Which process plays a part in genetic recombination?

Recombination in meiosis. Recombination occurs when two molecules of DNA exchange pieces of their genetic material with each other. Recombination occurs randomly in nature as a normal event of meiosis and is enhanced by the phenomenon of crossing over, in which gene sequences called linkage groups are disrupted, resulting in an exchange of segments between paired chromosomes that are undergoing separation.

Which would most likely decrease the variation in the human population?

If the human population was reduced to a very small number of interbreeding individual then this small population, denied outbreeding, would have very little genetic variation. Humans, who went through a bottleneck event about 70,000 years ago, are considered a " small " species because they have little genetic variation in comparison to many other species. Google cheetah to see how this concept works.

During what event of meiosis will chiasmata be observed?

during the pachytene stage of prophase-1 of meiosis -1 of meiosis ,the X shaped structure chiasmata is observed

How are mitosis and meiosis the same?

They both 'involve' the Cytokinesis Event.

Autopolyploidy is a speciation process that begins with an event during?


What causes many endangered species that now found only in zoos to have very little genetic variation?

Founder effect refers to the loss of genetic variation when a new colony is established by a very small number of individuals from a larger population. As a result of the loss of genetic variation, the new population may be distinctively different.Bottleneck effect is an evolutionary event in which a significant percentage of a population or species is killed or otherwise prevented from reproducing, and the population is reduced by 50% or more, often by several orders of magnitude.Population bottlenecks increase genetic drift, as the rate of drift is inversely proportional to the population size.They also increase inbreeding due to the reduced pool of possible mates.