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The mortgage is the document that says the loan is secured by the property and if not paid the bank has the right to take the property.

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Q: What exactly meant by mortgage in the banking terminology?
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I meant to say our mortgage. Sorry for the mess up

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What exactly is a lifetime mortgage?

A lifetime mortgage is a loan that is specifically meant for people aged 55. This type of loan allows the homeowner to release equity on their home. The loan can only be paid back if the house is sold, the homeowner goes into care or on the death of one's partner, in the case of joint ownership.

What is meant by balloon mortgage in Anchorage, AK?

Regardless of location a balloon mortgage is when you have a large final payment at the end of the loan period.

What exactly does hsbc internet mean?

hsbc internet doesnt really meant anything when put like that. hsbc are a bank provider and as such they have an online banking service. The term mentioned is probably reffering to their online bank service.