

What family spider belong?

Updated: 3/25/2020
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11y ago

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Spiders belong to Archinds family

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Q: What family spider belong?
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What family is the spider in?

Spiders are Araneae/Arachnids

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What does a spider belong to?

Arachnids is the class that spiders belong to.

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'Daddy Long Legs' is the colloquial name for three different creatures. One is the Crane Fly, which is an insect. The second is the cellar spider, which is a true spider. The last is the Harvestman, which is an 'arachnid', but does not belong to the 'spider' family, Aranea.

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Are spiders part of the squid family?

No. Spider spiders and squids are completely unrelated. Squids are marine animals that belong the the phylum Molluska and spiders are primarily land animals that belong to the phylum Arthropoda.