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Mine lives with Painted Turtles and a big Barb and it seems to live just fine

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Q: What fish can gold gourami's live with?
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What fish can be housed with gold gouramis?

I have a blue gourami with my gold

What are fish that start with the letters d p and g?

dannys, dalmation sailfin mollies, dwarf gouramis, gold barbs, gold gouramis, green tiger barb, guppies, panda cory, pigeon blood discus, panda oranda goldfish, goldfish, plecostomus

Is it possible for a gourami to mate with a platy and get pregnant?

no. fish can only mate with fish of the same species. Gouramis mate with gouramis and platys mate with platys.

What kind of fish can live with golden gouramis and sorwdtails?

small tetras, bottom-feeding catfish(NOT CHINESE ALGAE EATERS) and other live-bearers,

What fish can you keep in a fish bowl?

The best candidates are Betta fish and Paradise Gouramis

If you have 2 gouramus in a 5 gallon tank how do you get your gouramis to stop fighting?

Gouramis aren't really great fish to have together unless they have room to move around (e.g. at least 5 gallons per fish). Your tank is MUCH too small to have two gouramis, they're fighting for territory. If you don't want to return one to the fish store, then you should definitly just get a bigger tank. Unless you have dwarf gouramis, you should have them in at least 20 gallons. It also depends on what kind of gouramis you have. Some are more social and are more likely to school (dwarf gouramis, pearl gouramis) whereas others prefer to be top dog (opaline gouramis, blue gouramis). Good luck!

Which fish is least affected by dropping oxygen levels?

Labyrinth fish such as gouramis and betas.

What type of fish live in the Rhine River?

gold fish! and salmon!!

What kind of fish live in Titicaca?

gold fish

What type of fish can live together in fish tank?

gold fish

What fish species eat dead fish?

Most species eat other dead fish. My platys, blue gouramis, and glofish all try to eat dead fish or at least peck at them. Lionfish eat smaller live or dead fish, I know for sure.

Where do gourami's live?

dwarf gouramis live in sluggish backwaters of northern India