

What fish eat blue whale?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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Q: What fish eat blue whale?
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What is the difference between the diet of a blue whale and a killer whale?

killer whales eat fish where as blue whales eat mostly krill.

Does blue whale eat humans?

No. They eat small fish and microscopic organisms.

What does a blue whale depend on?

If your talking about what it depends on to eat, then they depend on fish. Lots and lots of fish to keep the big whale full. =) If your talking about what it depends on to eat, then they depend on fish. Lots and lots of fish to keep the big whale full. =)

Is the blue whale the biggest fish in the ocean?

No - the Blue Whale is a mammal - not a fish. The largest fish in the ocean is the Whale Shark.

Do whale eat fish?

no they do not eat fish

What whale's eat?

they eat fish

How do the blue whale eat?

they golp it. they dont bite. little fish goes straiht it without chewing

What fish do whales eat?

Blue whales are known to usually eat krill and copepods. A blue whale can eat up to 8,000 pounds of krill during it's peak season.

What is bigger then a whale shark a gulper or the grete white shark a angler fish or a blue whale?

blue whale.

What fish eat whales?

NO FISH CAN EAT A WHALE! Unless the whale is already dead another fish can not eat it! If it is dead then it would float to the bottom, and bottom feeders would eat it.

Can we eat blue fish?

can we eat blue fish

What do whales and porpoises eat?

Porposies eat mostly fish and squid. Most whales eat fish, squid or crustaceans, diet varies depending on species. The blue whale lives entirely on krill.