

What flowers in may?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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Azaleas, peonies, viburnum, wegeila, Siberian and Japanese Irises, phlox sublata, Dianthus, Dicentra Spectabilis, Allium Gigantum. Some of these are shrubs; some are bulbs. Also, Clematis Jackmanii (a gorgeous flowering vine); and Cranesbill Geranium (it's a spreading perennial, not the annual flowers that are sold as "geraniums" but are actually pelargoniums). There are lots to choose from; including several flowering trees: Dogwood, Cherry, Redbud, etc. Have fun!

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Pilgrims! :-) ---- Oh, ur funny! April's showers brings May's flowers. May's flowers bring June's heat, bees, and wasps (especially if you live in Florida).

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Do you mean April showers bring May flowers.

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