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Since it was first discovered in South America by Europeans, passionflowers early on became a symbol of the crucifixion of Christ. The parts of these very complex and exotic flowers are likened to the 3 nails, crown of thorns and 5 wounds. This lore was developed by Catholic missionaries to teach the native peoples the New Testament story of Christ's passion and death.

Passionflowers share the genus Passiflora and are among the most exquisite blossoms in the world. They are fast growing, climb by tendrils and are a valuable larval food source for many types of butterfly. They make lovely garden plants and in the proper climate are very fast growing and floriferous.

There are various species, each with its own unique flower and cold hardiness. One is even native to the southeastern United States where it is known as maypop. In the tropics other species are grown for their fruit which is the culinary passionflower included in many refreshing drinks.

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Q: What flowers represent pain and suffering?
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