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One force is the gravitational connection between our sun and the planets that make up the solar system.

Electromagnetism holds atoms together.

Two types of nuclear forces hold the nuclei of the atom together.

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15y ago
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15y ago

Gravity is the weakest of the four forces, but the only one capable of affecting matter far away. Gravity, therefore, is the Force that binds the universe together.

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14y ago





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13y ago

The gravitational pull of the sun keeps the planets iin orbit. The sun is a medium sized star, but very much bigger than any of the planets in our solar system.

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8y ago

Gravity draws matter inward to trigger star formation.

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10y ago

Gravity! It's the most powerful force in the universe.

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13y ago

Gravity hun.

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11y ago

^^Inertia ^^

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8y ago

Solar Nebula

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14y ago

We call it "gravitation" or "gravity".

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Q: What is the name of the force that pulled all of the dust and gas together to form the sun?
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What force caused a ball of dust rock and ice to be pulled together to form earth?

Gravity pulled together the tiny bits of matter that eventually formed the Earth.

How does gravity pulls gas and dust?

Gravity pulls gas and dust by exerting a force that attracts particles towards each other. The larger the mass of an object, the stronger its gravitational pull. As a result, gas and dust particles are pulled towards regions of higher mass, causing them to clump together and form structures like stars and planets.

What causes interstellar dust and gas to start to contract and form a protostar?

A protostar forms when gravity pulls the dust and gases in a nebula together.

What made the solar system and planets?

This is what scientists think happen: a previous large star exploded in a supernova. The outer layer of dust and gas is ejected into space. The gas eventually formed the sun. The dust pulled together to form everything else in the solar system.

What is raw material collections which slowly swirled together to form galaxies?

Dust clouds or just Dust

Who pulled matter together to form the first structures in the univers?

It was gravity.

When was Earth formed and how?

The Earth formed about 4.5 billion years ago, not long after the Sun. After the Sun formed, a disk of leftover debris orbited it. This debris of gas and dust would, through the force of gravity, coalesce to form the planets and all other solar system bodies. Gravity pulled the dust and gas into chunks. These chunks further clumped together and grew larger and larger, until they began to form a spherical planet. This is how all the planets formed, including Earth.

What is a short answer for how clouds form?

Dust in the atmosphere attract water vapor which gathers together to form clouds.

What caused dust clouds to form planets over time?

The spinning disk of dust that existed after the formation of the Sun caused dust clouds to form planets over time. Gravity caused the material to come together to form planets.

If dust and gas has a very low gravitational force due to their low mass how can planets and stars and other universal bodies be formed from them?

A small quantity of dust and gas will have a small gravitational force. The idea is that, to form a solar system (or a group of solar systems), a large amount has to come together; and in that case, it would have a significant mass, and significant forces would be acting.A small quantity of dust and gas will have a small gravitational force. The idea is that, to form a solar system (or a group of solar systems), a large amount has to come together; and in that case, it would have a significant mass, and significant forces would be acting.A small quantity of dust and gas will have a small gravitational force. The idea is that, to form a solar system (or a group of solar systems), a large amount has to come together; and in that case, it would have a significant mass, and significant forces would be acting.A small quantity of dust and gas will have a small gravitational force. The idea is that, to form a solar system (or a group of solar systems), a large amount has to come together; and in that case, it would have a significant mass, and significant forces would be acting.

How does a nebula form a star?

Dust and gasses stick together and gain a larger gravitational force attracting more material until the mass is so great nuclear actions can take place.

How can a planet be created?

Solar systems are formed when gravity collects enough dust and gas together to form a sun and planets. Other masses are added to the system over time. Gravity is the driving force.