

What form of water are high clouds made of?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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any water that fallls to the ground evaperates into the clouds

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Q: What form of water are high clouds made of?
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Water, because clouds are made of water in the form of "CONDENSATION" of the Water Cycle.

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What form of water are low clouds made of?

Vapor, or water in its gas form

What type of water are high clouds made of?

Evaporated water.

Is altocirrus clouds form highest in the air?

Noctilucent clouds are the highest and are made of crystals of water ice. They are located in the Mesosphere some 76 kilometers high

Why are stratus clouds made of water droplets?

Stratus clouds are mostly made of water droplets.

Why are clouds not a living things?

Clouds are not living things as they are made up of of water vapour, which is a gaseous form of water.

When are clouds formed by ice crystal instead of drops of liquid water?

Cirrus clouds form only at high levels, above about 6kilometers, where temperatures are very low. As a result, cirrus clouds are made of ice crystals. That is the real answer

What are clouds made of and how high are they off the ground?

Clouds are made of water that has dried up and become water vapours. These vapours rise into the air and cool down into clouds. When the clouds are completely cooled, it will rain. Clouds can be at a varying height, depending on the vapour density.

Do clouds always lead to rain?

Dust or sand can also form clouds, which are sometimes seen in the desert. Explosions can form clouds of smoke. In terms of weather, yes, all clouds are composed of water vapor.