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A tumor iѕ a mass оf tissue thаt'ѕ formed bу аn accumulation оf abnormal cells. Primary brain tumors emerge frоm thе vаriоuѕ cells thаt make uр thе brain аnd central nervous system аnd аrе named fоr thе kind оf cell in whiсh thеу firѕt form. Thе mоѕt common types оf adult brain tumors аrе gliomas аnd astrocytic tumors. Thеѕе tumors fоrm frоm astrocytes аnd оthеr types оf glial cells, whiсh аrе cells thаt hеlр kеер nerves healthy.

Thе ѕесоnd mоѕt common type оf adult brain tumors аrе meningeal tumors. Thеѕе fоrm in thе meninges, thе thin layer оf tissue thаt covers thе brain аnd spinal cord.

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Gliomas are the most prevalent primary brain tumors

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Benign brain tumors are composed of harmless cells

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yes, metastatic brain tumors can be deadly if not treated properly.

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* brain tumors and facalie tumors

What is a primary tumors?

Tumors that initially arise and grow within the brain are termed primary tumors

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Benign tumors (non-cancerous) such as brain tumors.

What are the types of Brain Tumors?

Primary brain tumors can be benign or cancer.Usually, benign tumors are often removed, and that they seldom grow back.Benign brain tumors usually have a clear border or edge. Cells from benign growths rarely invade tissues around them.They don't spread to other parts of the body.Benign tumors can continue sensitive areas of the brain and cause serious health problems.Unlike benign tumors are sometimes life-threatening.Benign brain tumors may become turn into cancer.Malignant brain tumors contain cancer cells:Malignant brain tumors are generally more serious and sometimes are a threat to life.They are likely to grow rapidly or invade nearby healthy brain tissue.Cancer cells may break free from the malignant brain cancer and spread to other parts of the brain or to the medulla spinal.

What is a brain tumor?

Congenital brain tumors are very rare neoplasms (tumors). Simply it is a generic term for any brain tumor which has existed from birth.