

What forms chromosomes?

Updated: 8/10/2023
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13y ago

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chromatin along with chromosomal matrix form the chromosomes.

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Q: What forms chromosomes?
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What is the name given to a pair of chromosomes that have matching locations for alternate forms of the same gene?

homologous chromosomes

What is the condensed form of DNA referred as?

The highly condensed forms of DNA (and proteins) are known as chromosomes.

What do you call DNA in the nucleus before it condenses to form chromosomes?

DNA forms nucleosomes (beads on the string) by combining histone proteins, nucleosomes condense into chromatins before it forms Chromosomes

Process during which chromosomes appear?

Chromosomes replicate during cell division, so are present as a new cell forms.

Do chromosomes include DNA molecules histones and nuclosomes?

Yes. Chromosomes are DNA that have been wound around histones to form nucleosomes. The nucleosomes that have condensed are what forms the complete chromosomes.

DNA is packaged into structures called?

Answer:chromatin not chromosomes. :DIt Is Chromosomes Not Chromatin:]

What structure forms in prophase along which chromosomes move?

Spindle fiber :d

What forms during prophase to Later attach move chromosomes?

Spindle fibers

What forms during anaphase?

chromosomes and the mitotic spindles are formed during anaphase

What cells types are diploid?

The type of cell that is determined to be diploid is one that has two complete sets of chromosomes. This cell has 46 chromosomes. It is also a reproductive cell. When it splits, it forms a zygote with 23 chromosomes.

How many chromosomes are in a normal persons somatic cell?

In humans there are 46 chromosomes that are split into 23 pairs in the somatic cells. Somatic cells forms the body of an organism.

Can be described as alternate forms of a particular gene Chromatids Alleles Chromosomes DNA molecules?

Alleles are alternate forms of particular genes.