

What fruits can't be kept in the fridge?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: What fruits can't be kept in the fridge?
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Why the fruits become sweeter when kept in a refrigerator?

Because when they are kept in the fridge, fruits such as apples will lose water, and their sugar will crystalise, causing themselves to become sweeter.

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because the atmospheric pressure does not enters the fridge as compared to room temperature

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In a fridge. It is best to be kept in the fridge.

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you cant keep ur lunchaable out of the fridge i wont taste right when u eat it

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Almost all fruits can be stored in the fridge if humidity is proper.

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You can store all the vegetable and fruits in the fridge.You just should not store the banana in the fridge because it blacken after taking out.

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