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Q: What function in the passing of genetic information to the next generation?
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What is a description of information and heredity?

The passing of genetic factors between organisms

What is the passage of genetic information from one generation to another is called?

The passing down of traits from one generation to the next is called heredity. This happens through a long line of family members.

Which life process brings life to the world?

Reproduction is the life process that brings new life into the world by creating offspring. This process ensures the continuation of a species by passing on genetic information from one generation to the next.

What is meant by the phrase DNA is hereditary material?

DNA is your genetic material.

What is the passing of traits from generation to generation?


How does an organism pass on the chemical information for making protein to the next generation?

EUKARYOTES The chemical information for making proteins is carried in the DNA, which is found on the chromosomes in the cell nucleus. Whan a eukaryotic organism undergoes asexual or sexual reproduction, the DNA is replicated, and the DNA of the parent organism(s) is passed on to its/their offspring (the next generation). PROKARYOTES The single circular chromosome undergoes DNA replication, which creates two identical chromsomes. The new chromosome is passed to the next generation by a process called binary fission.

Is the passing of traits from one generation to another.?

There are many things that happen with the passing of traits from one generation to another. It is known as giving a hereditary trait.

Is the passing traits from one generation to another?

There are many things that happen with the passing of traits from one generation to another. It is known as giving a hereditary trait.

The passing of genetic material from parent to offspring is?


Vertical transmission in animals?

Vertical transmission in animals does happen. It means a disease, condition or trait is transmitted from one generation to the next. This might be genetic or by contact, e.g. infection passing through the placenta.

Who transfer the biological informantion genes or gamets?

The genes transfer the biological information. If you mean passing genes on to the next generation, it would be the genes in the gametes.

the passing of genetic material from parents to offspring is training?
