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Q: What fungus and alga that live as a single organisms are called?
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Related questions

What is the symbiotic relationship in lichen?

some organisms live together and share shelter and nutrients, this is called symbiotic relationship. in organisms like lichens a chlorophyll- containing partner which is an alga, and a fungus live together. the fungus provides shelter, water and minerals to the alga while in return the alga provides food which it prepares by the process of photosynthesis.

Which is a single celled fungus a mushroom mold alga or yeast?

Yeast are single celled fungi.

Why is Lichen an example of Mutualism?

Lichen is an example of Mutualism because it consists of a fungus and an alga growing together. the fungus provides support in which the alga can grow. The alga makes food by photosynthesis using the water that the fungus has stored. The fungus also takes in minerals to be converted into materials for growth. together the two organisms form a structure that can live on the surfaces of rocks in harsh conditions where other organisms cannot survive.

What are some symbiotic relationships in the tundra biome?

One symbiotic relationship in the tundra is the one between the alga and the fungus. This relationship is known as lichen. The alga is protected by the fungus and the fungus receives food from the alga.

Fungus is supported by alga because the alga can?

mainly because the alga can live in a moist environment ?

What is a lichen made out of?

lichens are made up of a fungus and algae by a symbiotic association

What is a common autotrophic component of a lichen?

Lichen is a symbiotic relationship between a fungus and algae. The algae are the autotrophic component of this partnership. Green algae and cyanobacterium are types of algae commonly found in lichen.

What is an organism that is composed as both fungus and alga?


What is the relationship between fungus and alga?

symbiotic(as in lichen)

How do fungus and alga depend on each other for survival?

answer it

What does fungus and green alga or blue-green bacteria create?

Combined, they form the symbiotic organism called "lichen".

Cyanobacteria or alga living in tissues of fungus is an example of what?
