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Race is a man-made construct, and has no genetic or biologic component.

If you are a male, you got a Y chromosome from your father and an X chromosome from your mother.

If you are a female you got an X chromosome from your father and a second X chromosome from your mother.

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Q: What gene determines my race male or female if I'm biracial?
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The genotype for a male is XY. A female is XX. The 23rd homologous pair is the sex gene that determines this.

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The Y-chromosome. Think of it this way: Each person contains the genes to be a female. These genes are inherited on the X-chromosome which every normal person has. However, if you have a Y-chromosome, you now posses the genes to make a male, and are thus will be a male.

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There is not really anything called a male or female gene. There are sex chromosomes: X and Y. If a baby has XY (one from each parent), that child will be male. If the baby has XX, a girl is the result. The Y chromosome doesn't actually dominate but it has all the genes that produce male characterics. If a child is born without it, it will be female.

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Incubation temperature.

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Their DNA. Sex is decided by chromosomes from the male at fertilization. if you are wondering what "officially" makes a female a female, it's DNA and ability to reproduce per authorities.

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