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Q: What happened first in chronological order assassination of Franz Ferdinand World War 1 began Lusitania ship sank or US declared war on Germany?
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What happens because of assassination of Francis Ferdinand and his wife?

Austria declared war on Serbia

What did the Austro-Hungarian Empire do as a result of Archduke Franz Ferdinand's assassination?

They declared war on Serbia.

Why was the assassination of archduke Francis Ferdinand important?

It was Franz Ferdinand. It was important because once he had been killed the Austrians declared war on Serbia.

What started ww1 and who declared war first?

World War I was directly started by the assassination of Austria's Archduke Franz-Ferdinand by a Serbian terrorist group. Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia first.

Why was the murder of Ferdinand and his wife important to w w 1?

Austria-Hungary Declared war on Serbia after the assassination of Fredinand which started World War 1

Why did murder lead to war in 1914?

The assassination of Franz Ferdinand, the Archduke of Austria in 1914 was the murder, Serbia and Austria declared war, and the Great War or WWI was the result.

Which was the first country to declare war on another country at the outbreak of World War 1?

Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia after the assassination of Arch-Duke Ferdinand starting WWI

How long after the assassination of Franz Ferdinand did Austria-Hungary declare war on Serbia in 1914?

Exactly one month. Franz Ferdinand was killed on the 28. of June on Serbian national holy day and on the 28. of July Austria - Hungary declared war on Serbia.

Name 3 causes of World War I?

The chief cause (and the most well-known) of World War 1 was the assassination of Franz Ferdinand, Archduke of then Austria-Hungary, the assassination tipped off a domino effect of war declarations. Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia (who were deemed responsible for the assassination of Ferdinand, due to the group of assassins being Serbian nationalists), then Russia Declaring war on AH to protect their ally Serbia, Germany then declared war on Russia to protect AH, France then declared war on Germany in support of Russia, then Britain joined the war to protect France. Another cause of the war was the expanse of the European powers, Germany was a large and incredibly wealthy empire, and there were a lot of tensions between the major powers as they sought more land and wealth. It could be said that war was inevitable, regardless of Ferdinand's assassination.

Why was the assassination of Frank Ferdinand the spark that set off World War 1?

because he was a prince and the assassin was from Serbia and Frank's family and friend and his people wanted the congress to declared war on Serbia and congress did so Serbia declared war on another country

Name the countries of the Axis in World War 1?

After the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia. Russia declared war on Austia-Hungary so Germany declared war on Russia, France then declared war on Germany and after the invasion of Belgium by Germany, England also declared war on the Germans. Also on the side of the axis were Bulgaria and the Ottoman Empire.

How did Germany Britain and Russia respond to the assassination of Franz Ferdinand?

After archduke Ferdinand was assassinated, Austria Hungary declared war on Serbia. Russia then came to Serbia's aid because of an alliance and declared war on Austria Hungary. Germany declared war on Russia because of its alliance with Austria Hungary. Britain declared war on Germany because of its alliance with Russia. Other countries such as France and the Ottoman Empire soon chose sides and World War 1 began