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All children will be plus.

and possible blood types are :

B and O if geno-type of parents is heterozygous.

and 100% B if geno-type of parents is homozygous.

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14y ago

Can a woman who has B+ blood and a man who has AB- blood have a child with AB+ blood?

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10y ago

They live happily ever after XD d'oh. Source: I am an AB+ girl ^_^ You worry too much. Cheers!

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Q: Can a woman with B plus positive blood and a man with AB- blood have a child with AB plus positive blood?
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What will be the child's blood group if mother is A plus and Father A plus?

A positive with highest probability

Is it possible for a man with AO positive blood type and a woman with OO positive blood type to conceive a B plus baby?

No the baby blood type will be (ao)or(oo)

Can a man with O rh plus and a woman with O rh plus have a child with O rh- blood?

Yes - it is possible. Firstly, if both parents have the blood type O, then the child must also have blood type O. Rh positive is dominant, so a person who is Rh + may be heterozygous (Rh+/Rh-). Both parents in this case would need to be heterozygous for the child to be Rh-.

Is it possible father blood O plus Mother AB plus and child carry A?

Yes, it is possible for both mother and father to be RH positive and a child to be RH negative.

Can a O plus mother and A plus father has a O plus child?

Yes. I am O positive and my husband is A positive. We have two A positive children and one O positive child.

What will be the child's blood group if mother is A plus and father is O plus?

well idk if this helps but i am a positive and my girl friend is o positive and we had an o positive girl! Answer: The baby could be A or O. (Not B or AB)

If parents are both O plus ve what will be the child's blood group?

All child's blood type will be O.mostly they will be positive, but they can have a negative child with a low percentage reaches to 25% ( if both parent genotype are heterogeneous ).

What is the difference between A plus and A1 plus blood group?

A positive and A1 positive (usually written as A plus sign and A1 plus sign) refers to the antigens in the blood. People with the A blood type contain A antigens. People with A positive blood refers to the presence of both A antigens and Rh-positive antigens.

Can parent with O plus and B- have child with B- blood?

Yes, parents with O+ and B- can have a child with B- blood. Their children may be type O or type B, and may have Rh negative or positive blood types.

Can an O plus father and an A plus mother have an A plus child?

Yes.... because blood trait A is dominant on blood trait O... the child will then have blood group A

What is blood type A positive plus A negative equal?

A positive

Can a man and woman that are A plus have a child that is A plus?
