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A large undersea earthquake near the island of Sumatra in Indonesia raised a huge section of the ocean floor, generating a tsunami in all directions. Most devastated were the nearby coastal areas of Sumatra, especially around Aceh province at the extreme northwest end of the island. But the series of tsunamis extended for thousands of miles, causing destruction in Thailand, Sri Lanka, and India, and as far away as Yemen on the Arabian Peninsula and Kenya and Tanzania in Africa.

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The 2004 tsunami was caused by an earthquake in the Indian Ocean. The quake happened on December 26, 2004 off the western coast of Sumatra in Indonesia.

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Q: What happened in 2004 at the Indonesian islands in the Indian Ocean that caused a tsunami?
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Why is it called Indian Ocean Tsunami Not Indonesian Tsunami?

Because the tsunami spreed all across the Indian Ocean ,not only in Indonesia.

In what ocean did the Indonesian Tsunami occur?

The Tsunami that devastated Indonesia and other countries in 2004 was in the Indian Ocean.

What happened during the Indian Ocean earthquake?

A tsunami happened during the Indian Ocean tsunami in December 24 2004

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The motion picture The Impossible was based on the real-life survival story of the Belin Family who was on Christmas vacation in 2004 when a tsunami devastated the island of Indonesia. Resulting from an earthquake in the Indian Ocean, the tsunami has been given a variety of names including the South Asian tsunami, the Indonesian tsunami, the Christmas tsunami, the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami and the Boxing Day tsunami. The latter name originates from a holiday that is celebrated in certain countries throughout the world on December 26, the actual day the Indonesian tsunami occurred.

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The group of islands that were affected by the tsunami in 2004 were mainly in the Indian Ocean. These include the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, the Maldives, and the Aceh province in Indonesia.

What are the largest 3 islands in the Indian Ocean?

According to experts, the largest 3 islands in the Indian Ocean are Madagascar, Sumatra (located at northeast Indian Ocean) and Java (located in Indonesian side of the Indian Ocean).

What are the latet natural disasters that have happened in the world?

The tsunami in the Indian Ocean

What is the most famous earthquake that has ever happened?

2004 Indian Ocean Earthquake and Tsunami

How the tsunami in India in 2004 occur?

it happened by an underwater megathrust earthquake in the indian ocean.

What was the estimated death toll for the 2004 tsunami in Aceh?

The estimated death toll for the monstrous tsunami that hit the Sumatra coastal areas and smaller outlying islands is estimated to be 225,000. The tsunami was caused by an earthquake in the Indian Ocean.

What is the difference between Indonesian music from Indian music?

Well, one is Indonesian. And the other is Indian.

How and where did the Indian Ocean Tsunami generate?

If you mean the 2004 boxing day Tsunami then it happened just off the cost of Sumartra and was caused by a 9.3 earthquake If it isn't then sorry but i can't help you