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Her mother died of starvation at Aushwitz, January 6, 1945.

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Q: What happened to annes mother at the concentration camp?
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Where in Germany was annes concerntration camp?

Anne`s concentration camp is in poland

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Janowska concentration camp happened in 1943.

How did annes mother die?

She died of dehydration and because she was severely beaten by the Tusken Raiders.

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Jungfernhof concentration camp happened in 1941-12.

Where is the rest of annes family?

Everyone in her family except her dad died in the concentration camp , I think he died in between 1980 and 1990

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She was imprisoned at Ravensbruck concentration camp during WW II.

What happened to Anne Frank's mother?

Anne Frank's mother, Edith Frank, died of starvation and exhaustion at Auschwitz concentration camp in January 1945, just a few weeks before the camp was liberated by Allied forces.

Did Anne franks parents die in a concentration camp?

Her mother did, as well as her sister, but the father was the only one who survived the concentration camp.

What concentration camp did mother maria go to?

I believe it was on Holy Saturday 1945 that she was sent to Ravensbruck Concentration Camp in Northern Germany.

Who was the only survivor of annes family?

Otto Frank, Anne's father was the only member of the Frank family to survive the war. He was also the only member from the secret annex that survived.Anne's mother, Edith Frank died on January 6th, 1945 in Auschwitz concentration camp. Anne Frank and her sister Margot died in early March 1945 in Belsen-Bergen concentration camp.

What happened to the Buchenwald concentration camp?

A section of the camp has been preserved as a memorial and small museum.

How did they find Anne Franks Diary?

the lady that was hiding anne found it and was going to give it to anne when she got out of the concentration camp but when she found out she was dead she gave it to annes father