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He wont eat another cactus.

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Q: What happens if a bearded dragon eats cactus?
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What happens to your bearded dragon if it eats a toad?

You will be very lucky if it does not go to the big desert in the sky........

Is it bad if a bearded dragon eats bamboo?


What bird eats a bearded dragon?

lebron james

What Happens if your bearded dragon eats a plant from outside?

it matters on the plant, if its cannabis for example (which you SHOULD NOT HAVE IN YOUR BACKYARD) then it will probably die but if it's just a normal plant nothing will happen :L

Why should there be no sand in a cage for a bearded dragon?

the bearded dragon can easily accidentally eat the sand while eating crickets. if it eats too much it can get impacted with the sand and die. its also possible for the sand to get stuck in the cloaca while defecating or in the eyes.

Can bearded dragon eat bologna?

i didnt know drangons existed or grew beards Bearded dragons are an Australian lizard, idiot. no, actullay, that's is wrong man, or whoever you are. i have a bearded dragon and no, i don't think they can eat that. because all mine ever eats is salad, crickets and mealworms, oh yea and apple slices cut up really small.

What eats a cactus wren?

Blue jays and snakes

What kind of a predator is a bearded dragon?

An insectivore. That means it eats insects such as locusts, crickets, mealworms, waxworms and the odd pinky mouse or day old chick.

What eats cactus wrens?

snakes and blue jays eat cactus wren

What Big Live Thing can you feed your Bearded dragon?

Nothing! A bearded dragon is a reptile that feeds on small things such as crickets, worms and vegetation. If a beardie eats anything bigger then the space between it's eyes it will have a hard type digesting it. Once your beardie is full grown you can feed pinkie mice though.

What eats a prickly pear cactus?

your nan

What eats a cactus?

Blue jays and snakes