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For most people who are eating enough calories to maintain body weight, protein deficiency is nearly impossible, unless you are consuming the bulk of your daily calories via "empty" calories, like refined sugar, refined fat, or alcohol. If you are not getting enough protein because you are not getting enough food, that is called starvation, also known as kwashiorkor. The symptoms of kwashiorkor include:

  • change in skin and hair color (reddish-orange color)
  • fatigue
  • diarrhea
  • loss of muscle mass
  • failure to grow or gain weight
  • edema (swelling)
  • damaged immune system, which can lead to more frequent and severe infections
  • irritability
  • flaky rash
  • large belly that sticks out
  • shock
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9y ago
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9y ago

You need one gram per KG of proteins per day in your food. You will have body wasting on diet without the proteins. You may die as a result of such diet with time.

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Q: What happens if we don't get enough protein?
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