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Well from my experience at first when you inhale it your voice goes really deep kinda like the opposite of helium and then you get dizzy and your whole body feels as if it's throbbing and you feel all tingly on the inside or you feel like your insides are vibrating and your vision gets all messed up like it distorts reality and you can barely maintain your balance so you sometimes collapse to your knees and for my aftereffects I felt all giggly and like laughing alot but still it's not safe to inhale freon so do it at your own risk.

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17y ago

Not much really... provided that it isn't concentrated. Freon in a pressurized, liquid state "absorbs" heat when it is released to atmospheric pressure, meaning that it gets really cold. If Freon were to be sprayed on you, it's conceivable that you could get frostbite. Also, Freon is often used to displace oxygen. Computer rooms, and other areas which might suffer great loss in case of fire, often have a fire extinguishing system that replaces the oxygen using Freon or other non-burning gas. In a situation like that, you could die from the lack of oxygen. Routine levels of Freon does not harm you.

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