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It will burn.

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Q: What happens if you put rubbing alcohol on an open wound that won't stay scabbed over?
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You should pour rubbing alcohol on the wound and then wrap it in plastic wrap to avoid bacteria. If you are out of rubbing alcohol use vinegar and salt to clean the wound.

How do you care for minor injuries at home?

For minor injuries like cuts and bruises you can clean the wound with some rubbing alcohol and apply neosprin or bacitracin ointment and cover the wound with bandaids.

Can rubbing alcohol be used on pets?

No! It is best to use peroxide on a wound and better yet see your vet! It's possible a wound could get infected.

Can you pour rubbing alcohol into an open surgical field?

Well i think you cant because...the alcohol may burn the wound and it will hurt like hell... Well i think you cant because...the alcohol may burn or damage the wound, but i still think it dosent make too much that zone because it still alcohol.

How do you treat rubbing alcohol burns on the skin?

Neosporine ointment or neosporine cream. The skin will scab and fall off like a wound would.

What can you do when you have your real wiccan magic wound?

Do you mean wand instead of wound? If you mean wand, then you can use it to cast a circle, or use it in rituals and spells. If you mean wound, I do not know what you would use it for, but I suggest a band-aid and some rubbing alcohol.

What is the best way to clean a cassette deck?

Q-tips and rubbing alcohol. Isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol , thiers q-tips that are longer and more tightly wound, if you could find those they work better, open door and rub heads, rollers and mechanisims and allow it to dry.

How do you draw out infection out of a bite?

There are many ways to draw out an infection, from a bite wound. A person can squeeze the infected area, and push it out, they can use peroxide, or rubbing alcohol.

How is a wound treated?

The wound must first be cleaned with soap and water and patted dry. After the antibiotic is applied, the wound should be covered with a dressing such as a bandage or a protective gel or spray.

What can substitute for rubbing alcohol in cleaning?

Another name in trade for isopropyl alcohol is rubbing alcohol. RUBBING ALCOHOL is called ISOPROPYL alcohol and is for external use only. It's considered a RUBEFACIENT TOPICAL ANTIMICROBIAL and is NOT made from Ethyl or Grain (booze) alcohol. DON'T drink it!!

Is it safe to put rubbing alcohol on a small open wound?

YesBut it will hurt like hell. Rubbing alcohol will dehydrate the tissue around the wound and stretch it besides which can sometimes slow healing. If available, hydrogen peroxide makes for a better clensing agent. Edit: Betadine (Povidone Iodine) is another - less painful - alternative.

What type of wound does scrapping and rubbing cause?
