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No, Birth Control is not less effective if you smoke. Some methods can increase the risk of heart attack or stroke, although the risk is still lower from being on birth control than if you got pregnant and delivered a baby. If you smoke, your risk of heart attack or stroke are already increased, so hormonal birth control containing estrogenc can increase the risk even more. But it makes sense to talk with your health care provider about your particular risk factors, as every woman is different.

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Combined hormonal contraceptive methods are not recommended for women over 35 who smoke, or younger women who smoke and have other cardiovascular risks. These methods include the regular birth control pill, patch, and ring.

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You increase your risk of blood clots and cancer

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No, but they do do other things to your body and if you smoke it is recommended that you don't take the pill after age 35.

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Q: What happens if you smoke while being on birth control?
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It doesnt matter what type of birth control you use, it is bad in general to smoke while taking birth control. It increases risks of cancer. Basically its a when not if you get cancer. I smoke and am on birth control and my gyno tells me all the time that I need to stop. I know I should but its just one of those things. If you can, quit now.

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When it comes to migraines, birth control can be tricky. For some people, being on birth control can cause more migraines. For some people, being on birth control can reduce their migraines. For some people, there is no change at all. There is a small risk, that birth control can cause strokes. People who have classic migraines (or migraine with aura) also have this small risk. So being on birth control can increase the risk for stroke that those type of migraines already increase the chance of. It is a small risk, but it is something to be aware of. It is just like being aware that if you smoke while on birth control, you increase your chance of stroke. Just another factor to discuss with your doctor.

You had tubes tied 6 years ago and took birth control to regulate your period the doctor has taken you off because you are 35 and smoke now what happens?

You have a few choices:Stop smokingConsider a progestin only method, like Mirena or progestin-only pillsDiscuss other treatments for irregular bleeding with your health care provider.The risk of being on the combination birth control pill while smoking makes it unsafe to continue.

Is it the cigarette smoke or chemicals in cigarettes that can cause serious health problems and clots if you are on birth control?

It is both - the chemicals & tobacoo are burning together that are producing the smoke.

Can you smoke marijuana while on birth control?

I say do pot anyway. I love doing pot. I do it all the time.

What happens to your kidneys if you smoke?

what happens to your kidney when you smoke. WHAT I REALLY WANT TO KNOW :[ :[

Can lower your risk of getting pregnant if your husbands smoke?

No. To avoid pregnancy you should always use condoms and/or a reliable form of birth control.

What is the effect of taking the pill regularly?

Taking the birth control pill regularly lowers the risk of pregnancy, as well as lowering the risk of endometrial and ovarian cancer. It may raise the risk of heart attack, blood clot, or stroke, but for young women and for women who don't smoke, the risk of these problems due to pregnancy and delivery is higher than the risk from being on the birth control pill.

How long is it safe for someone to take birth control pills without health risks?

As long as you don't smoke there should be no harmful effects to your health

Will your baby be healthy if you smoke marijuana?

No, you should not drink, smoke, or do drugs as this can cause birth defects and the baby will be addicted at birth.

What happens if you smoke weed before court?

don't smoke weed