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Penelope was besieged by suitors of various class and to hold them off, she declared that she would weave a shawl for Odysseus and would choose one of them to be her husband at the time she finished it. In secret she unweave at night what she had woven in the day. The suitors were enraged upon learning this and became more obnoxious.

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While Odysseus is absent, Penelope remains faithful to him and fends off numerous suitors who try to take advantage of his long absence to marry her and claim his throne. She devises clever schemes to delay choosing a new husband, such as weaving and unweaving a shroud for Odysseus' father Laertes. Penelope's loyalty and cunning are key elements of her character in Homer's epic poem "The Odyssey."

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Q: What happens to Penelope while Odysseus absence?
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Who waited patiently for Odysseus' return while keeping her suitors at bay witha weaving trick?

Penelope, Odysseus's fateful wife

What instructions did Odysseus give to Penelope while he was away visiting his father?

Odysseus told Penelope to make sure the suitors did not gain control of their household, to stay faithful to him, and to keep their son Telemachus safe.