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they just get callused and dirty. My feet have been so hard for most of my life, that I can't feel it when people touch the really hard parts of my heel and big toe. it's not a big deal, though.

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Q: What happens to your feet when you walk barefoot?
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What happens to your feet when you walk barefoot on hotsand?

I have actually done this on the beach in the summer. If you walk barefoot on hot sand, it feels hot. I didn't get any actual blisters, though.

Does barefoot running cause flat feet ?

No, running around barefoot will not cause you to get flat feet. Shoes are only used to protect our feet but we were born to walk on our feet without anything on them.

How do you get filthy dirty feet?

it's not that hard all you have to do is just walk barefoot and don't wash your feet

Why is it difficult to walk barefoot on graveled road?

Because the pointy rocks stap your feet

How can you make the bottoms of your feet less ticklish?

Walk barefoot as much as possible. It will build cal aces and will get ur feet used to touch

How has shoes impacted in a positive way?

the shoe has impacted society by keeping your feet protected and help you not walk barefoot

How has shoes impacted society in a positive way?

the shoe has impacted society by keeping your feet protected and help you not walk barefoot

Is walking bare footed bad for your feet?

No, it isn't. When you walk barefoot on gravel or rocks (if you're used to it) your feet get thick and tough. So it is good for you. Even my feet are thick and tough!! :)

Do you go to bed with dirty feet?

I will walk anywhere barefoot - city streets, public transportation, parking garages, public toilets - and go to bed with these dirty feet.

What is correct bare foot or bare feet?

Well bare foot is "barefoot" with no spaces in. Bare feet is alright. we normally use barefoot as in " Can i go barefoot". Bare feet is "PE is done in bare feet"

Why do your feet hurt when you walk barefoot in your house?

Most people are accustomed to wearing shoes all the time. The brain is not used to processing the sensations.

A riddle where the answer is barefoot?

What happens if you fear a boot. FEAR + BOOT = BAREFOOT.