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romeo fights Paris (where?) and Paris dies.

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they fight because Paris thinks romeo is there to destroy her grave. and romeo ends up killing Paris

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Q: What happens when Romeo and Paris meet?
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What happens to Paris the end of this play?

In the play Romeo and Juliet, Paris is killed by Romeo in a duel when he tries to prevent Romeo from entering Juliet's tomb. Paris dies defending his love for Juliet.

What happens between Romeo and Paris in front of Capulet tomb?

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Romeo kills Paris in the vault before taking his own life upon discovering Juliet apparently dead.

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Romeo wins. Paris dies.

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Romeo stabs Paris in Act V, Scene III of Shakespeare's play "Romeo and Juliet," when he encounters Paris at Juliet's tomb. Paris believes Romeo is there to desecrate the tomb, and they engage in a heated confrontation, resulting in Romeo fatally stabbing Paris.

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