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This is the description of a solid.

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Q: What has a definite shape and volume because its particles are packed tightly together and stay fixed in position?
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What is the difference between particles in a solid and particles in a gas?

The particles of a solid are attracted strongly to other particles around them locking them into a fixed position in which they may only vibrate but not move freely from one position to another. The particles of a gas are the opposite. Not strongly attracted, but move randomly about bouncing off of other gas particles. This allows the gas particles to move to any position, not just remain surrounded by the same few particles.

Why do solids have a definite volumn and a definite shape?

In a solid, the particles are closely packed together in a regular structure by means of strong forces of attraction. They can only vibrate but cannot move freely. This is why a solid has a definite shape and volume.~ It has definite shape because.. Picture a solid, like a mug, on a table. Is it constantly changing shape? This means that the solid has definite shape. Unless, of course, a steamroller goes over it, but definite shape means with no extra forces. It has definite volume because.. If you think about it, the amount of space a solid takes up will always be the same, or definite. Even if say, a sponge, was crushed, the volume will be the same. Only the air inside the solid will change.

Could jelly be a solid and why?

yes because the particles in the jelly are not a spread out enough to be a liquid were as a solid would have particles tight together.

Why doesn't butter melt all together?

Butter does not have a definite melting point because it is an example of an amorphous solids, and amorphous solids have non uniform attractive forces between the particles. Therefore the particles of the butter will not all melt together but rather the melting will happen gradually. Having a mixture of particles where some areas are going to have strong forces of bonds and other weak forces of bonds. The weak forces will over come first and later the strong forces will overcome, and that is how butter melts.

How does particle theory explain how solids keep there shape?

Because the particles are close together <-- simple because the particles are close together and it wont move around or it wont compress so it dosent separate. its like glue it sticks together and by the way i am only 10 and i know all this ;P

Related questions

What causes a solid to have a definite shape?

A solid has a definite shape because the particles in a solid are tightly packed together and all fixed into one position to where they can only vibrate.

Why solid has definite volume and shape?

This is because of the particles are close together and dont move (they do vibrate)

Why do solids have definite shape?

Solid have definite shape because the particles of solid are closely packed together and they cannot move freely. Therefore the force of attraction of particles in solid is more.

The particles are in a constant state of motion and rarely stick together?

The state in which matter is rarely sticking together is a gas because it has no definite shape or volume therefor its atoms/particles move freely rarely sticking together

Why are particles close together?

The particles in copper are close together because it is a type of solid. Solids have a definite shape and mass. Copper is a type of metal, which is a great conductor. Any item with hardness is a solid, for copper is a solid

Why gases doesn't have definite shape?

Because of its particles are everywhere.

How does the movement of particles in a liquid help to explain the shape and volume in a liquid?

Because its particles are free to move, a liquid has no definite shape. However, it does have a definite volume.

How do the molecules behave in a liquid?

In liquids, the bond between molecules is not very strong, they are loosely attached to each other.. They have a definite mass. However they do not have a definite shape, they take the form of the container they are stored in.

What is the arrangement of water molecules in the gaseous liquid and solid?

In a solid state, particles vibrate because there's not a lot of space for them to move in. A solid has a definite shape and volume. In a liquid state, particles flow past one another because there is no definite shape but there's a definite volume. In a gas state, particles move really fast because there's no definite shape or volume.

How does the particles of a liquid move?

the particles of a liquid are more freely than the solid because it dose not have definite shape

Why does a gas have no definite?

Because its particles have very very light bonding with each other and there particles are free in the air.................

Why does a gas have no definite shape?

Because its particles have very very light bonding with each other and there particles are free in the air.................