

What if a black hole opened up and swallowed the earth?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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14y ago

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Well we'd all die

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Q: What if a black hole opened up and swallowed the earth?
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Can the earth be swallowed by a black hole?

It is possible but extremely unlikely.

What happens to a mass when it is swallowed by a black hole?

The object swallowed by the black hole is destroyed; its mass is added to the mass of the black hole.

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If the Earth magically became a black hole, the moon and other satellites in orbit around Earth, would be literally ripped apart into tiny bits and swallowed by the black hole.

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Its mass. All the stuff it has swallowed.

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What if a black hole swallowed the earth?

A black hole is basically an imploded star's remnants that DO NOT turn into a nebula or space dust of some type. However, for a "dead" star to become a black hole it must be very big and have tons of mass. The Sun doesn't have that size requirement, therefore cannot be a black hole theoretically.

Will a black hole destrow earth?

A black hole can,but it is very rare for a black hole big enough to swallow Earth.

What will happen to earth if sun dies?

Earth dies too.Either one of two things will happen: 1. The amount of helium in the sun will get so small and the amount of carbon dioxide will get so big, that the Earth will be swallowed by the sun.or2. The sun will explode and form into a big black hole and Earth and all the other planets will be going in the black hole.

Does the earth have a black hole?

No. Earth would be destroyed if a black hole came anywhere close to it.

What will happen to are earth in a black hole?

Should Earth ever collide with a black hole, it would get destroyed.

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What has already been swallowed by the black hole?

Some stars, comets, stardust, moons, planets, have been "eaten" by a black hole. None know for sure how many of each.