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Babe, handsome, etc.

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Q: What if your boyfriend calls you baby as a nickname what is your nickname to him?
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Your boyfriend wants a nickname and you cant think of any for him He calls you his baby girl what should you call him?

Your Baby Boy!

How do you say 'i love you' to your boyfriend?

Like this Girlfriend: Hey babe/baby.whatever nickname you call him Boyfriend: Hey (whatever nickname he calls you Girlfriend: I love you Done and done

Why does your boyfriend calls you baby?

It's just a term of endearment.

What if your boyfriend calls another girl baby?

Her name might actually be baby. I've seen it.

What is a cute signurature about your boyfriend on your phone?

love you babe or it could be a nickname like my boyfriend calls me sammi bear and i call him care bear

What does it mean if a guy calls you baby cakes?

It is just a cute nickname like baby, honey, sweetie, ect.

What is a cute nickname for your boyfriend?

an cutte nickname could be: Teddy(bear), hootie,baby,sweety A cute nickname could be... Lover, Sweetie, Honey, Cutie, and names like that. My boyfriend's nickname is May May. I know it might sound stupid but that's the point!

I need a character name for a short skinny 17 year old girl with super dark features she needs a long formal name that her family calls her and a nickname her boyfriend calls her any ideas?

prerana preetinanda and nickname is tina

What does baybay mean?

Baybay is often used as a "nickname" for baby, as in a boyfriend, girlfriend, etc. It can also be a nickname for people whose name begins with a "bay" sound (for examply, Bailey).

What does it mean when your boyfriend calls you baby?

One way to interpret it is that he's trying to show his affection to you using a word that has positive attributes such as "baby, honey, sweetheart".

What should you nickname your boyfriend?

you should nickname your boyfriend that you can combind his name into for example if his name was braden brady cady. It does not have to make sense he is your boyfriend and any nickname will show that you like him.

Your boyfriend wants a nickname and you cant think of any for him he calls me short cake or short stuff what should you call him?

call him toodle-muffin-love-sauce or the equivalent