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YES!!! Test to see if you are! Until you find out do as if you were pregnant so take care of yourself! If you wish to become pregnant I wish you luck.

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Q: What if your cervix is low and soft You didn't get your period and one breast is tender and very tired all the time Could you be pregnant?
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Is it possible to have tender breast if pregnant two weeks before period?

there is a chance you can be pregnant

Can slightly tender breast mean your pregnant?

Yes slightly tender breast can mean your pregnant. However, it can also mean your are on your period or about to start a period - premenstrual. There is also a slight chance it can be something more serious.

Is the cervix tender during your period?


You are having cramps and your breast is tender and you took the EC pill are you pregnant?

it could just be ur period

Can you still be pregnant if your breast are not tender?


Breast tender thick slimy vaginal discharge lighter period than usual nauseous could i be pregnant?

If not pregnant, lighter periods are due to infertility.

How can you tell if you are pregnant with an IUD when you have a really light period and breast are tender after period?

The only way to know for sure is to take a home pregnancy test or see your Dr.

Is it normal that breast is tender during the period?

Yes it is normal. Before I got pregnant every period I had my breat would hurt.

Does breast tenderness always mean pregnancy?

No, they can be tender when you're starting your period or when there is illness as well. Breast tenderness can be a sign of pregnancy, but it doesn't always mean that you are pregnant when it occurs either.

What does it mean when you have tender breast and no period?

You're preggers.

Do the breast expose to hurt even after you get over you period?

Yes , your breast can be very tender the week of and the week after your period

When you feel dizzy and like you are going to vomit a tender breast?
