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Among other things, it could be shingles (which might be contagious).

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Q: What illness includes sore joints with skin rash that looks like strep rash?
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Related questions

What happens in secondary strep infections?

Secondary strep infections invade tissue already weakened by injury or illness. They frequently affect the bones, ears, eyes, joints, or intestines.

Is strep throat an example of an acute illness?

Yes. It is.

What illness causes white polyps in the?

== == strep throat

What year did Friedrich Reinhardt Strep discover cause of the illness know as strep throat?

He discovered it in 1904

How do get strep throat?

Strep throat is caused by streptococcal (strep) bacteria. There are many different types of strep bacteria. Some cause more serious illness than others.

Do illegal drugs show up in strep test?

No. A strep test looks for a bacteria - nothing relating to drugs.

What age do most people get strep throat?

well all ages get strep are more likely to get this illness if your a child, because your not as safe with the cleaning of germs, washing hands..etc. also school is a big place to pick us the illness. the age that is the highest prone to getting strep is 5-12

Can white spots in the throat not be strep?

Yes. White spots can occur with other ailments. However, just because you lack other symptoms of strep does not mean that you do not have strep. A visit to the doctor is vital to rule out a potentially serious or contagious illness.

What are the examples of symptoms caused by microbes?

The word microbe is simply a fancy way of saying "germ" otherwise known as bacteria. There are hundreds of thousands of different types of bacteria, though not all types cause illness in humans. A common bacteria that does cause illness is Streptococcus aka "Strep". Most people have had or known someone that has had a strep infection of the throat "strep throat" Symptoms include sore throat, difficulty swallowing, fever and general feeling of illness (tired, achy etc)

My brother had strep throat and I was around him quite a bit and now I have a sore throat runny nose sore joints headache genrally ache I don't know if its just a flu or strep thoat etc whats wrong?

The only way to know for sure (and to treat) strep is to go to a doctor, however if you see white blotches in the back of your throat then it is probably strep.

How do scarlet fever attack?

Scarlet fever is a bacterial infection that is caused by Group A Strep. It is usually a mild illness and is treatable with antibiotics.

Why is it important to treat strep throat?

Strep throat is a bacterial infection that makes your throat feel sore and scratchy. If untreated, strep throat can sometimes cause complications such as: * kidney inflammation * rheumatic fever Rheumatic fever can cause: * painful and inflamed joints, * a rash * damage to heart valves (rheumatic heart disease)