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well it is poisenes so it can kill you but thats about all i know


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14h ago

Exposure to black mold can cause symptoms like respiratory issues, Allergies, skin irritation, headaches, and fatigue. In severe cases, it has been associated with conditions such as chronic sinus infections and Asthma. It's important to address any signs of mold in your living environment to minimize health risks.

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Q: What illnesses can black mold cause?
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What permanent disabilities does the black plague have?

The Black Plague, or bubonic plague, typically does not result in long-term disabilities. However, in some cases, it can lead to complications such as limb gangrene due to blood circulation issues or neurological issues if the infection spreads to the brain. Early detection and treatment with antibiotics greatly reduce the risk of these complications.

Why are many illnesses more likely to be fatal to the elderly?

Many illnesses are more likely to be fatal to the elderly because they often have weaker immune systems and multiple underlying health conditions. Age-related changes in the body's defenses and a decline in organ function can make it harder for older adults to fight off infections and recover from illness. Additionally, the aging process itself can contribute to a higher risk of complications and reduced resilience to illness.

Can you black out from turning your head?

Blackout from turning your head is unlikely; however, sudden changes in head position can cause brief dizziness known as vertigo. If you experience frequent blackouts or dizziness upon head movement, it's important to consult with a healthcare provider to rule out underlying medical conditions.

What are the risk of tibicos?

The main risks associated with tibicos, also known as water kefir grains, are contamination from improper preparation or storage leading to mold or harmful bacteria growth. Ingesting contaminated tibicos can cause gastrointestinal issues. It is important to follow proper preparation and storage guidelines to minimize these risks.

What does prophylaxis-adult mean?

Prophylaxis-adult refers to preventive measures or treatments intended for adults to help prevent the onset of diseases or conditions. This could include actions such as vaccinations, regular health screenings, and lifestyle changes aimed at reducing the risk of developing certain illnesses.

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Can mold cause leukemia?

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Can black mold cause mrsa?

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My son has mold allergies,will black mold make them worse?

Yes! If you have black mold in your home have it professionally taken care of immediately. Black mold is so TOXIC that in small infants and toddlers it has been known to cause death.

Why Should You Test Black Molds?

Health reports have discovered that mold is the number one cause of allergic signs. The toxic black mold present in many office, home, and school environments has been related to critical pulmonary illnesses. Certainly, too much exposure to molds can create unwanted health problems for human beings.

Can exposure to black mold cause down syndrome in someone's offspring?


What do mold do?

Black molds are more dangerous. They can cause serious health problems for you. Skin is the primary concern after mold attack.

Are black mold and pleurisy related?

Pleurisy is a symptom that can be caused by many different fungus, molds, parasites, and viruses. Black mold can cause an infection that causes pleurisy.

Is black bread mold fungi or protists?

black fungi. Get it? Cause he's a black fun guy.

What are the common black mold symptoms?

Common black mold symptoms are sneezing, skin irritation, headache, coughing, watery eyes, fever, vomiting, diarrhea and chills. Black mold can result cause brain and lung damage as well as cancer.

What type of mold is the most serious?

Probably black mold (strachybotrys chartarum) is the most serious for humans. The spores from the mold, when breathed or touched, can cause upper respiratory symptoms in otherwise healthy people, and cause cause serious health problems with people who have sensitivity to mold or respiratory problems such as asthma.

What will black mold do to a pregnant woman?

Black mold can cause severe health problems in any person, in about every system of the body. In pregnant women, it can cause infertility and miscarriage, and a fetus that survives that may suffer developmental problems.

Can black mold cause shingles?

me and another person both got shingles when cleaning mold in a basement. doctors say no but there was obviously a connection.