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This is not from the bug bite. This is an infection that needs to be looked at by a doctor. Currently, I have my hand warpped and taking heavy anti-biototics because I had the same thing. If you see it, you should head straight to a doctors. (Any bug that can bite and have bacteria on them can cause this)

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Long red lines leading up the arm from a wound of any kind are a sign that the vessels in the arm are infected. This condition requires medical treatment; contact your health care provider today.

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Q: What are long red lines up the arm leading from a insect or spider bite?
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What insect bite causes knots?

Several insects can cause knots on the skin as a reaction to the bite. The bite could be from a spider. The bite may also be infected. It is best to seek medical attention from a professional if there is a concern about an insect bite. Some bites from insects can be deadly.

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The bite of an insect that leaves two punctures about a half inch apart could be from a spider. It is best to seek professional medical assistance if there is a concern about an insect bite because some bites could be deadly.

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If you have an insect bite with 3 hole that are triangular shaped, it is most likely bed bugs. You need to treat your home immediately to get rid of the bugs.

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I suppose it's possible. If the dog is small & the spider is highly venomous.

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What effects does a tiger spider bite have on you?

Well someone Asked if You Get super powers when Get a spider bite and the website answered that You can Get super powers when you Get a spiser bite from a tiger spider

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