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You need the magnitude and the distance for defining the vector quantity

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Q: What info do you need to define vector quantity?
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Is displacement vector quantity or scalar quantity?

You'll need to provide a context. In naval engineering, displacement is a scalar quantity; if you're talking about motion, then it's a vector quantity.

What is displacement a scalar or vector quantity?

You'll need to provide a context. In naval engineering, displacement is a scalar quantity; if you're talking about motion, then it's a vector quantity.

Three important parts of vector quantity?

To specify a vector, you need a length (or magnitude), and a direction.

What is the point of view why we need to study scalar and vector quantity?

There is a big difference between Scalar and vector quantity. Vector quantity means something where direction is not Displacement(the shortest distance between the displacement points of an object). whereas in scalar quantity Direction is important. eg. Speed

Is mph a vector quantity?

nope, vectors need to specify a direction of travel.

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What quantity requires both magnitude and direction?

Vectors need both magnitude and direction.

How do you find percentage change in quantity demanded when only given original quantity?

you cannot. you need more info.

What is considered vector quantity?

That refers to any quantity in which you need to specify not only a number, but also a direction. Common examples include velocity; acceleration; force.

Why pressure is a scalar quantity while stress is a vector?

For specifying pressure u need only magnitude, but for specifying stress u need magnitude,direction and plane Remember stress is not a vector but it is 2nd order tensor..........

Is tribe a verb?

No Tribe in all sense is a noun, for more info type "Define Tribe" into your google searchbar it will give you the info you need

What do you need to know describe the velocity of an object?

velocity is what is known as a vector quantity. What this means is it needs both a DIRECTION and a MAGNITUDE for the velocity to be fully described. that's what you need.