

Best Answer

If you only have liability your car insurance isn't covering your boat trailer, even full car coverage probably has small fine print limiting coverage to your car. Trailer coverage through your boat insurance provider is more likely to cover it.

Additional answer

If your question is regarding the damage caused by the trailer while it was being towed by an automobile, then the answer is yes, the damage caused by the trailer will be covered by the liability. The damage to the trailer would not be covered by the auto policy even if you have collision coverage.

If it is regarding the damage to the trailer, it would not. Only if you have a watercraft policy which typically provides coverage for both trailer and watercraft.

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Q: What insurance covers a boat trailer accident when attached to a car the car insurance or the boat insurance?
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Related questions

Do I need to have travel trailer insurance, or will my auto insurance cover the trailer as well?

Your auto insurance covers the trailer as well so there is no need for travel trailer insurance.

What does personal accident insurance cover?

Personal accident insurance covers the insurance in case of an accident during working hours and leisure time. Accident insurance varies based on the premium, but it usually covers the hospital expenses and additional expenses.

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Comprehensive insurance

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"Motorcycle insurance covers motorcycles, scooters, and minibikes that are licensed for use on public roads, as well as attached side cars. Motorcycle insurance covers bodily injury, accident damage, theft, fire, vandalism, and custom work."

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Health insurance usually covers things such as routine exams, immunizations, cancer, hospital stays for any reason. The other usually covers things caused by an accident or a cold!

In an accident involving a truck and borrowed utility trailer what insurance covers the trailer?

First... Most insurance company's auto's policy will cover you . The problem will come when or If the Trailer Comes Loose and hit's another person or car. If you have basic insurance you will be taken to the cleaners. Go to to see what happens. In most states these utilty trailers are homemade, do not have working tailights and they are in very bad shape. Your Insurance Agent ask's when you have a home do you have a fence around your pool? They ask you if you have a trampoline. Very few understand the risk when you hitch a trailer to your car or truck. IN VIRGINIA IF YOU DO NOT HAVE REFLECTORS OR REFLECTOR TAPE ON THE BACK OF THE TRAILER AND YOU ARE INVOLVED IN AN ACCIDENT YOU CAN BE HELD LIABLE FOR BOTH ACCIDENTS.

If you give a family member who has their own insurance policy permission to drive your car and they get into an accident which policy covers the accident?

the policy that covers the car that is being driven.

What is Third party Auto Insurance, and when should I be needing to know this information?

This type of insurance covers liabilities to third parties (as the name pointedly suggests). It covers, among other things, liability for injuries to people, liability for damage to private property, liability for damage caused by a trailer attached to the car, etc.

What is the difference between comprehensive and liablility auto insurance?

While comprehensive insurance covers both you and the party with whom you were in an accident with, liability insurance only covers the other party. Thus, you will only be insured if you are in the comprehensive plan for your part of the accident costs.

If you have an accident driving your friends car who insurance covers?

typcially , ''insurance stays with the car'' meaning the insurance on the vehicle would be primary..........

Is there something called Accident Only Insurance?

Yes, there is a such thing as Accident only Insurance coverage. Accidental only insurance coverage covers any accident that leads to injuries that result to loss of limps, eye sight or life.