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Q: What is An animal cell nucleolus analogy to a car?
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What is nucleolus analogy to a car?


What is a cell analogy for a car?


What is an analogy to a animal cell besides a city a house a car a plane or a factory?

government, mall, human body, store, or country.

What is a car analogy for a cytoskeleton?

In the car analogy for cells, the cytoskeleton would be the steel framework. The cytoskeleton supports the cell like the steel framework supports the car.

What in a car relates to a nucleolus?

The nucleolus is like the gas tank because if the gas is the ribosomes, the gas tank basically holds the gas and keeps it their until its needed for use, like the nucleolus holds the DNA until the cell uses it in division.

Why would the engine be the nucleolus of a car?

The driver would be the nucleolus.

What is the nucleolus of a car?

The Metal of he car

What would be the nucleolus of a car?


What is an endocytosis analogy?

An analogy for endocytosis is like a cell "eating" or engulfing a particle, similar to how a person picks up food with a fork and "eats" it. Just like a person brings food into their body for nutrients, a cell uses endocytosis to take in substances for various cellular processes.

What an analogy for Golgi body car related?

It's the navigator in your car.

What is the answer to this analogy car is to gas as TV is to?


What is an analogy for cytoplasm?

Cytoplasm is a water rich substance that is inside of a cell that surrounds the entire contents of that cell. It will liquify if shaken vigorously. Cytoplasm is made up of proteins and molecules for it to survive. The organelle and molecule within the cell touches the cytoplasm. Cytoplasm is to cell as bones are to humans, if there is no cytoplasm, there is no consistency of the cell.