

What is Associated with depth and stability?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: What is Associated with depth and stability?
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Do femur and humerus bones have trochanchanters?

Just the femur has a trochanter. It has a greater and a lesser trochanter. They give depth and stability to the joint.

How does core stability relate to body mass index?

Core stability is a misunderstood term. Typically, the core is associated with the abdominal muscles groups and stability is associated with isometric or static strength. However in actuality, the core consists of the abdominal muscles groups (transverse abdominis, internal obliques, external obliques, rectus abdominis), hip abductors/ adductors, hip flexors, and lumbar spine. In addition, it is lumbar spine that is primarily responsible for posture and stability providing the strength needed for stability especially utilized in dynamic sports.

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Name two important factors that contribute to the stability of the knee joint?

Stability is the ability of a joint to withstand mechanical shocks and movements without being dislocated or otherwise injured. Stability depends on a number of factors, including the strength of the ligaments that bind the bones together, and the strength of muscles associated with the joint. Excessive flexibility training, especially without appropriate strength training, may reduce stability making an individual more prone to dislocations.

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There are various advantages associated with qualitative research. For example, it can offer a much more in-depth analysis than other methods.

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Stability genes are one of the three main genes, that when mutated are associated with cell progression towards tumorigenicity. It's normal function is to control the rate of mutation, but if mutated it off-balances, effecting oncogene and tumor suppressor function. In other words, accelerating the mutation process.

What is he main contributor to hip joint stability?

hip joint stability is due to: 1) ligaments that hold the pubofemoral lig. 2) muscles around the joints. 3) atmospheric pressure due to the knee joint capsule. 4) congruence of head of femur to the accetabular fossa. they fit like a ball and socket. 5) accetabula lambria increases the depth of the accetabular fossa thus increases stability. 6) the weight of the body on the joint.

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There are many different great foods NY is associated with. Most famously would probably be the Pizza, Hot Dogs, Pastrami, Bagels, and Cheesecake. If you want to be really in-depth, Buffalo is also known for...Buffalo Wings.