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BRAC analysis is a means of looking for genetic indicators for Breast cancer. This is important for those individuals who have a particularly high risk of breast cancer due to strong family histories. Quite often, this test will tell the participant that they have a 100% liklihood of developing breast cancer. The question now is not whether, but when? Some individuals take control of their disease by opting for a bilateral mastectomy as a way to avoid the chances of breast cancer.

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Q: What is BRAC analysis for breast cancer?
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Is BRAC analysis good for adopted women?

I am an adopted woman aged 53. I just had the blood test today. All I know is that a possible half sibling on my birth father's side died of breast cancer at age 46. That was the only answer the doctor needed to know to allow me to take the blood test.

Does Angelina Jolie have breast cancer?

No, Angelina Jolie never had breast cancer. She has the gene for breast cancer. She removed her breasts to stop any cancer from forming.Angelina Jolie does not have breast cancer. She does carry the gene for breast cancer. She had a preventive mastectomy.No, Angelina Jolie has never had breast cancer. She was tested and told that she carried the breast cancer gene. She has a preventive mastectomy.Angelina Jolie does not or did not have breast cancer. She had breast surgery just as a precaution because of her mother having breast cancer.

Does breast suking can avoid breast cancer?

Breast sucking will not avoid breast cancer.

Is breast cancer a diesease?

Breast cancer is a disease.

Is breast cancer noninfectious?

no breast cancer is not infectious

Does breast feeding cause breast cancer?

If you have breast cancer and receiving chemotherapy then you cannot breastfeed your baby.

Is breast cancer a carcinogen?

Cancer can be a carcinogen. Carcinogen are usually in breast cancer.

Is breast cancer painful?

Breast Cancer PainNot in the early stages. In advanced breast cancer, pain is a factor, both in the breast and in the underlying bones.

What year was breast cancer found?

What are the test for breast cancer

What is breast cancer awareness month?

Breast cancer awareness month is on October.October

What are some sites about breast cancer?

There are a couple of websites that will provide you information about breast cancer. Some of those websites include The Breast Cancer Site, Breast Cancer Org, and many others.