

How is DOM used in JavaScript?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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13y ago

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DOM stands for document Object Model that is used to get, change, add or delete HTML elements.

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12y ago

DOM is document object model: It defines the logical structure to access and manipulate the HTML document.

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document.getElementById() is a JavaScript method that returns a reference to a DOM object identified by the value passed to it. For instance, if you can a form with the following HTML code.... <form method="post" id="theForm"> You would be able to reference the form by assigning a variable to the returned value of document.getElementById(). Such as: var myForm = document.getElementById("theForm"); You could them use the other DOM methods to manipulate this object (adding CSS styles, adding and removing children, etc.)

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HTML is a markup language which allows you to define and place elements on a page, or Document Object Model (DOM). Of course, HTML is static. That means that when a web designer uses a certain HTML attribute to make a word bold, for example, there is no way with HTML alone to change that setting. One part of JavaScript allows a programmer to add/remove or modify the DOM elements on the fly using scripts and stylesheets known as CSS. The combination of HTML, JavaScript and CSS is collectively known as DHTML (Dynamic HTML). Note that Javascript is a fully developed object based scripting language and can do many other things aside from DOM manipulation.

How do you add multiple onblur or onclick actions to a form?

You have to use JavaScript. It is built into the DOM, but it requires that to read and manipulate the Document Object Model.