

What is Easter connected to the Bible?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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Jesus Christ came to earth to save sinners. In order to do this He had to suffer and die on a cross (crucifixion). He did this on the Jewish festival of Passover. After He had died on the cross He was laid in a tomb. Three days later on Sunday He rose from the dead. Christians call that Sunday morning "Easter Sunday" and it is celebrated by going to church to worship. Other Christians may have a different name for that day.

Additional Comments:

The holiday of Easter is not scriptural although it appeared one time in the King James Version, see Acts 12:4 and was corrected in the New King James Version. Read any Encyclopedia and discover the pagan roots of Easter with its eggs and bunnies.

As noted above, Jesus died on the Passover - daylight portion of the day. The Last Supper as it is commonly called today (Passover meal) was during the darkness portion of that same day (In Bible days begin and end at sunset - See Genesis 1). Some biblical scholars have dated the event of Jesus' crucifixion to Wednesday, 25 April 31 AD at the 9th hour or 3:00 PM our modern time reckoning. He was quickly buried as the Annual High Holy Day and Sabbath of the first day of Unleavened Bread would start that sunset. He arose on the third full day and night in the tomb - exactly 72 hours as His only sign of His Messiahship shown to all - on Saturday, just before sunset, 28 April 31 AD. He was seen in the darkness early morning hours of the 1st day of the week - Sunday - already arisen but not yet ascended.

The confusion of days in the Christian community seems to be due to their discounting the Hebrew/Jewish Sabbaths - High Sabbaths - 7 annual Holy days. A closer read of the Gospel accounts will reflect this 'oversight.'

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