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It's Herpes Simplex Virus 2, which is generally genital herpes.

: The two types of herpes. : HSV 1 and HSV 2. They are virtually identical, sharing approximately 50% of their DNA. Both types infect the mucosal surfaces of the body - most often the mouth or the genitals.

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14y ago

It is genital herpes; HSV-2.

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Q: What is herpes type two?
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Can a person work as a chef if they have type two herpes?

No, please don't.

Do people who have cold sores have herpes?

Yes it is a herpes infection but normally a different type. Cold sores are normally caused by Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 (HSV1) while genital herpes are caused by Herpes Simplex Virus Type 2.

What is the organism responsible for herpes?

herpes simples, herpes labialis, or herpes gigngivitis.Herpes is a type of virus which cause disease in humans like encephalitis by herps zooster virus, genital herpes by HerpesviridaeThe condition commonly known as "herpes," referring to sores on the mouth or genitals, is caused by the Herpes simplex virus, or HSV. The are other forms of the virus, such as Herpes zoster, that cause lesions on other parts of the body.Virus is herpes simplex virus type 2 for genital herpes and type 1 for oral herpes.Shingles, which is a form of herpes is caused by chicken pox virus.STD

Are cold sores cause by bacteria or virus?

Cold sores are caused by the herpes simplex virus. No doubt you've heard of "herpes" before, but don't jump ahead of yourself. There are actually two types of herpes simplex virus, "type 1" and "type 2." Type 1 herpes simplex virus. Herpes simplex virus type 1 ("HSV1") generally only infects those body tissues that lie "above the waistline" and it is HSV1 that causes cold sores in the majority of cases. Type 2 herpes simplex virus. Herpes simplex virus type 2 ("HSV2") usually only infects those body tissues that lie "below the waistline" and it is this virus that is also known as "genital herpes." Herpes simplex virus type 2 is not usually the virus that causes cold sores, although it can.

Fever blisters and cold sores are known as what type of herpes?

Fever blisters & cold sores are oral herpes, caused by the herpes simplex virus type 1.

What type of herpes do you have when it itchs?

All types of herpes cause itching or burning. This is true for oral herpes, genital herpes, chicken pox, and shingles.

How do you know if someone has herpes type 1 or just a sore?

A cold sore is a herpes infection of the lip. Herpes simplex type I usually causes cold sores while type II usually causes genital herpes. Occasionally it can be the other way around.

What kind of microbe causes oral herpes?

Oral herpes (cold sores) are caused by herpes simplex virus (HSV). They may be caused by HSV type 1 or type 2.

Can you catch herpes simplez 1 if you've had cold sores before?

Cold sores is herpes type 1. I'm sorry to say. If you've had cold sores you have herpes type 1.

What type of virus is a cold sore?

It's a type of herpes.

Which skin disorder is caused by a type of herpes virus?

Some common names for the skin diseases of herpes are cold sores, fever blisters, genital herpes, shingles, whitlow, wrestler's herpes, and ophthalmic herpes.

What type of antibiotic gets rid of herpes?

i think herpes is a virus which would need antivirals.