

What is resource labor?

Updated: 9/20/2023
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12y ago

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Go to Google and type it in or look it up in the dictionary you are so dum you should of done it before

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12y ago

Labor resources - resources of available manpower.

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What makes a resource?

The factors of production : land, labor, and capital. You need land (soil, water, minerals, trees, etc) to form the resource, labor to create it, and the money to spend to buy the land, factories, equipment, and labor to manufacture the resources.

Why is labor an economic resource?

For an economy to function, it must have human labor. This includes a long list of types of labor in order to make an economy viable. Therefore, the resources of an economy run from scientists to teachers to business people to factory and farm workers.

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Businesses purchase the factors of production in a resource market, which are: capital, labor, land and entrepreneurship. (:

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Elements of Human Resource Planning?

Balancing labor supply and demand, analyzing current labor supply and forecasting labor demand are the three key elements of HR planning. HR planning serves as the bridge between plan of organization and resource management.

What is a labor Resource And what labor resources did the Spartans have?

Labor resources - resources of available manpower.Human effort used in production. That means technical expertise and marketing expertise, too. The payment for labor is a wage.

What is an example of a labor resource?

like people are things get paid for like teachers