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Bad Breath

Do you suffer from bad breath?

Do you have a persistent bad taste in your mouth?

Did you know that poor smelling breath can be caused by bacteria and biofilm sitting in your mouth even after you brush and floss your teeth? Often people try to cover their bad breath up with gum, a breath mint, or mouthwash. Unfortunately, other people can still tell it's there. The answer is to go to the cause of the problem, not to attempt at masking it. Bad breath doesn't go away on its own.

Halitosis (bad breath) may simply be caused from the anaerobic (oxygen-free) bacteria living between your teeth and under your gums. The biofilm and toxins in these areas can not only cause decay, gum disease and gingivitis, but they can also contribute to bad breath.

Because these bacteria hide in the grooves around teeth, dental restorations, and under gums, they are extremely difficult to reach. In fact, even if you are flossing daily, you may still be leaving biofilm full of infectious bacteria in your mouth. Studies show that the physical flushing with an oral irrigator is actually more effective than floss for these hard to reach areas.

Sometimes food may even be packed so far under your gums that it sits there a very long time. You can imagine what that would smell like after a day or more. Some foods such as the kernels of popcorn can even be found under your gums up to a month after you've eaten your movie time snack.

By using an Irrigator every day, you can literally flush those stinky germs right out of your mouth. The stream of water irrigating under the gum lines, between your teeth, and even at the back of your tongue can help to remove the bad breath forming bacteria that you otherwise wouldn't be able to reach. It's so easy to do!

Managing advanced bad breath is all about daily plaque control - essentially sound oral hygiene. That means, in most cases, stopping the plaque in your mouth is really in your own hands. Brush every day. Floss every day. Period.

Dental professionals recommend oral irrigation as a great way to really clean teeth and gums. Oral irrigators get what toothbrushes and floss don't, so plaque and tartar and the resulting bad breath never come back.

Oral irrigators flood the mouth with a jet of water under pressure to flush offending food particles and bacteria from the mouth. And now there's fresh evidence that advanced gum disease responds well to oral irrigators.

There are many types of irrigators. Fairly new on the market are irrigators that attach to your shower head or your sink faucets such as OralBreeze or Waterpik.

A search on Amazon will produce 99% of available products.

All types have pros and cons.

The result is fresher breath and a healthier smile!

halitosis means bad breathe. so simple chronic halitosis means you have a mild problem with bad breathe

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