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Q: What is Soil that is made up of equal parts of clay and sand and silt called?
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What is soil called that is made up of equal parts of clay sand and silt?

Your answer is Loam soil or terreau and it's the healthyest for plants.

What Soil with about equal parts of clay sand and silt?


What is soil with about equal parts of clay sand and silt?


What is the soil made of equal parts clay sand and silt?


What kind of soil has significant amounts of sand silt and clay?

its called clay loam. A true loam is approximately 40% each of sand and silt and 20% clay. This mineral mixture should be 92% of your soil and 8% organic material for your best growing mixture.

What is the rich fertile soil that is made up of about equal parts of clay sand and silt?

The answer is loam.

What is the term soil that is made up of roughly equal parts of clay sand silt?


Which soil has water holding capacity?

soil that is made up of about equal parts of clay, sand, and silt is called loam. it has a crumbly texture that holds both air and water. loam is best for growing most types of plants.

What type of soil best for growing wheat?

The best soil that wheat will grow in is loamy well-drained soil. This type of soil has equal parts clay soil particles, sand and silt.

What is soil called with equal amounts of clay sand and silt called?

This type of soil is called loam, although it does not necessarily have exactly equal amounts, but more correctly has optimal amounts of each component. It is generally considered the best, or at least the most versatile, soil for planting.