

What is Steve Wozniak's net worth in 2008?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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13y ago

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3.6 billion us dollars

I think whoever answered this question is getting Steve Wozniak confused with Steve Jobs. Wozniak left Apple Computer Inc. (now Apple Inc.) over 30 years ago with a net worth of about $45 million, which is the last public figure. It's probably quite a bit more now, but I doubt it's anywhere near Steve Jobs's net worth, (which includes his extremely large share-holdings in Walt Disney and Apple Inc,) which Forbes most recently put at $3.4 billion.

Woz is definitely still richer than us, but I don't think he's a billionaire.


Say what? Jobs sold almost all his Apple Shares in the 90s


Steve owns over 5 million shares of Apple. While he did sell a majority of his shares after he was forced out in 1985, he was brought back in the late 90s and in 2003 was granted 10 million shares of the company. A larger portion of Steve's wealth comes from the 138 Million shares of Disney stock Steve owns. After creating a successful animation company, Pixar, Steve sold it to Disney in a sale that was mainly Disney stock. As of Today, 9/24/10, Forbes estimate's Steve's networth at $6.1 billion.

Steve Wozniak is worth somewhere around $100 million.

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