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Nuclear fusion occurs when multiple atomic nuclei join to form a larger, more massive nucleus.
Nuclear fusion is the process by which two or more atomic nuclei join together, or "fuse", to form a single heavier nucleus. This is usually accompanied by the release or absorption of large quantities of energy. Fusion is the process that powers active stars, the hydrogen bomb and experimental devices examining fusion power for electrical generation.

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9y ago

I found the website K1 Project very helpful. They had several articles underneath their Learn/Energy tab which should answer any questions about nuclear fusion.

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11y ago

Nuclear fusion.

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What process occurs in a controlled fusion reaction?

In a controlled fusion reaction, a process of nuclear fusion occurs, but it is controlled, so that it does not grow uncontrollably, to become, for example, a thermonuclear bomb. Note: This has not been accomplished yet.

Is fusion an atomic process that is used to produce energy?

Fusion occurs when two atomic nuclei collide. The reaction that is produce by the collision can be used to provide energy. Fusion is the reaction that powers most active stars in the universe.

What type of reaction occurs when a thermonuclear bomb explodes?

A fusion reaction.

Where does the fusion reaction occur in the sun?

Fusion occurs in the core of the sun and other stars.

What is the atomic process that occurs in the core of stars?

Nuclear Fusion occurs in the core of stars.

What is the primary atomic reaction that occurs within the sun that occurs within the sun that coverts hydrogen atoms into helium atoms?

This is called a fusion reaction.

What kind of reaction occurs to produce energy inside a star?

Nuclear Fusion

What is the Nuclear process that occurs in the core of the sun?

Nuclear fusion.

Is the proton proton reaction an example of a fission reaction?

No, this is the fusion reaction which occurs in the sun and other stars. See the link below.

Through what kind of nuclear reaction does the sun produce energy?

Nuclear fusion is the process that occurs in the sun that produces energy. Hydrogen atoms are fused together to produce helium. As a result of that fusion, energy is released in the form of heat and light.

Which nuclear reaction occurs when two nuclei merge together to form one nucleus?


The process responsible for the enormous energy in the sun is?

Nuclear fusion is the process responsible for the enormous energy in the sun. Nuclear fusion occurs when Hydrogen is converted to Helium.