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Degrees Celsius is a metric form of temperature measurement, like degrees Fahrenheit (but this is imperial). 0oC is the freezing point of water (32oF) and 100oC is the boiling point of water (212oF). Celsius is usually used in metric countries, the UK, France and Germany to name a few. You can convert Celsius to Fahrenheit by using:

Celsius to Fahrenheit is worked out by using the formula:

C = (F - 32) x 5/9

and Fahrenheit to Celsius is worked out by using the formula:

F = C x 9/5 + 32.

So, 14oF = (14 - 32) x 5/9 = -18 x 5/9 = -10.

and conversely -10oC = -10 x 9/5 + 32 = -18 + 32 = 14.

As a good point of reference, -40oC = -40oF. Fahrenheit is a larger unit of measurement as 1 unit of Fahrenheit = 1.8 units of Celsius. A centigrade thermometer is simply a thermometer that measures in Celsius.

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